Watsu Technology Co., Ltd
Founded in 2015, Watsu Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on international booking service, management & marketing service, meeting businesses and customers’ needs with professional program.
Our product “海外点餐助手” application (Great APP) is a reservation platform, which is dedicated to connect restaurants and diners seamlessly, helping restaurants serve diners better, and letting diners reserve restaurants easily without language barrier and time-consuming work.



Booking Service

PR & Consulting
For Catering Industry
Send information to target customers;
Publish news, menus, and chefs' stories to attract diners;
Manage orders and material supply efficiently;
Improve sales performance through multi-channel marketing;
Open up to the international market

For Traveler Customer
Browse restaurants, make reservations, and view menus;
Enjoy customization service;
Explore the fun of making friends under tasty circumstances